Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Zeitgesit, the movie

Zeitgeist is a movie about the roots of all religions, terrorist attack of 9/11 and economical system of the USA. In the first the movie explains how all religions are based on Pagan astrological beliefs. For the second and third parts you may think both are big conspiracy theories. But I am sure the movie will surprise you and force you to think. I strongly recommend you to watch it.

to watch the whole movie click the link below:


also you can join the Zeitgeist Movement:


Friday, November 7, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Campaign: Atheist Bus

In London, atheistcampaign.org launched "The Atheist Bus Campaign" on Tuesday October 21. The organization runs 30 red buses with the slogan of "There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life" and tries to raise 5000 Pounds for their next campaign.

If you want to make a donation click the link below:
Happily, the campaign raised around 117.000 Pounds so far.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The God Delusion

Richard Dawkins' bestseller book 'The God Delusion' (first published in 2006), openly criticizes religions in the world, and tries to convince the reader that source of morality cannot be the religions. Personally this book helped me to put my ideas clearly and strengthened my decision to be an atheist. I still have questions about god, religions, and the universe. But 'The God Delusion' supported my questions and encouraged me to ask more. This book is also the reason that I opened this blog.

for the review of this book by Jim Holt for the New York Times click the link below:


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Does science make belief in God obsolete?

John Templeton Foundation brought scientists and writers together to debate on whether science can make religion obsolete or not. The most interesting one for me was between the author of "God is not Great" and the editor of "the Portable Atheist", Christopher Hitchens and a professor of biology and the author of "Finding Darwin's God", Kenneth Miller.
Hitchens answered the question as "no, but it should" while Miller responded "of course not".

for the Hitchens vs. Miller debate: http://www.templeton.org/belief/debates.html

for the other debates: http://www.templeton.org/belief/debates.html

for the pdf version of Hitchens' essay: http://www.templeton.org/belief/essays/hitchens.pdf

for the pdf version of Miller's essay: http://www.templeton.org/belief/essays/miller.pdf

Monday, October 20, 2008

"OUT" Campaign

"Our choir is large, but much of it remains in the closet" says Richard Dawkins and he adds "Our repertoire may include the best tunes, but too many of us are mouthing the words sotto voce* with head bowed and eyes lowered. " Dawkins aims to make the hidden atheists to speak out.

*under voice

Richard Dawkins on Harun Yahya's "Atlas of Creation"

October 14 - Richard Dawkins speaks on the Islamic creationist book "Atlas of Creation" at the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain's Conference on Political Islam, Sharia Law and Civil Society. Dawkins calls Harun Yahya as a "naive creationist". Harun Yahya sued Dawkins and persuaded the Turkish courts to ban the web site of Richard Dawkins.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Bright Stuff

What/Who is a bright?

"The time has come for us brights to come out of the closet. What is a bright? A bright is a person with a naturalist as opposed to a supernaturalist world view. We brights don't believe in ghosts or elves or the Easter Bunny — or God. We disagree about many things, and hold a variety of views about morality, politics and the meaning of life, but we share a disbelief in black magic — and life after death." says philosopher/cognitive scientist and an enthusiastic bright, Daniel C. Dennett.

click the link below for the rest of the article:


The Four Horsemen

The four Horsemen -

A discussion DVD by Richard Dawkins, Dan Dennet, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens.

To download the Quick Time videos, right click the link below and choose "save target as...":

Hour 1:

Hour 2:

Enemies of Reason

Enemies of Reason -

A new documentary DVD by Richard Dawkins.

Part 1: Slaves to Superstition

Part 2: The Irrational Health Service

The web site of Richard Dawkins is banned byTurkish courts.

"Ankara - Turkish internet users have been blocked via a court order from accessing the site of prominent British biologist Richard Dawkins after complaints from lawyers for Islamic creationist author Adnan Oktar, the website of Turkish television station NTV reported on Wednesday. A court in Istanbul ordered that Turk Telekom block access to the site and since the weekend Turkish internet users seeking the site have been redirected to a page that says in Turkish 'access to this site has been suspended in accordance with a court decision'. NTV reported that Oktar complained he and his creationist book 'Atlas of Creation' had been defamed by comments made by Dawkins on the site. 'I am at a loss to reconcile the expensive and glossy production values of this book with the breathtaking inanity of the content,' Dawkins, a distinguished advocate of the theory of evolution, wrote on his website in July referring to the Atlas of Creation. The book has caused controversy not just through its advocation of creationism but also through how thousands of copies of book were distributed to schools in a number of European countries. Oktar has used the Turkish courts on a number of occasions, the latest being earlier this year when he attempted to have Dawkins' book The God Delusion banned in Turkey on the basis that it was insulting religion but a Turkish court threw the case out. In August 2007, Oktar, who writes under the pen name Harun Yahya, convinced a Turkish court to block access to millions of web blogs using the Wordpress.com hosting service after finding that a number of blogs carried libellous comments. In May, Oktar was found guilty of creating an illegal organization for personal gain and sentenced to three years imprisonment. He is appealing the decision. "

Review by Monster & Critics


Bill Maher's website for his movie "Religulous".


Bill Maher's movie is on the theaters

Religulous is directed by Larry Charles who was also the director of Borat. It is a funny version of "Root of All Evil" by Richard Dawkins. Both focus on the absurdity of religions by questioning their most fundemental constructs.