Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Zeitgesit, the movie

Zeitgeist is a movie about the roots of all religions, terrorist attack of 9/11 and economical system of the USA. In the first the movie explains how all religions are based on Pagan astrological beliefs. For the second and third parts you may think both are big conspiracy theories. But I am sure the movie will surprise you and force you to think. I strongly recommend you to watch it.

to watch the whole movie click the link below:


also you can join the Zeitgeist Movement:


Friday, November 7, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Campaign: Atheist Bus

In London, atheistcampaign.org launched "The Atheist Bus Campaign" on Tuesday October 21. The organization runs 30 red buses with the slogan of "There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life" and tries to raise 5000 Pounds for their next campaign.

If you want to make a donation click the link below:
Happily, the campaign raised around 117.000 Pounds so far.